Update from Mudlet 4.5.1-de

Does your Mudlet say Mudlet 4-5.1.de on top? Go to mudlet.org/download to update it by installing a new version. Don’t worry – your profiles will stay.   Why can’t it update as usual? A human error in the release process meant that the usual...

4.6 – Geyser, Geyser, Geyser!

Geyser is the go-to way for making awesome interfaces in Mudlet and it’s received a lot of improvements in this release. Read on! Geyser in Userwindows Thanks to Edru2, it is now possible to put labels, miniconsoles, and the mapper inside userwindows!...

4.5 – First 2020 edition

Mudlet emerges from the vacation hibernation to deliver the next update! Including a few new commands for our scripters, a new language for international players, and a new game for you to explore. FieryMUD in Mudlet defaults Welcome to the world of Ethilien …...