by Vadim Peretokin | May 2, 2020 | Release
This is an amazing release that adds drag and drop packages, custom cursors, draggable labels and more! Mudlet is now more powerful than ever for building stunning, modern interfaces for MUDs. Drag and drop packages Thanks to Edru, who massively improved Geyser and...
by Vadim Peretokin | Mar 18, 2020 | Informational
Does your Mudlet say Mudlet on top? Go to to update it by installing a new version. Don’t worry – your profiles will stay. Why can’t it update as usual? A human error in the release process meant that the usual...
by Vadim Peretokin | Mar 8, 2020 | Release
Geyser is the go-to way for making awesome interfaces in Mudlet and it’s received a lot of improvements in this release. Read on! Geyser in Userwindows Thanks to Edru2, it is now possible to put labels, miniconsoles, and the mapper inside userwindows!...
by Vadim Peretokin | Feb 16, 2020 | Release
Mudlet emerges from the vacation hibernation to deliver the next update! Including a few new commands for our scripters, a new language for international players, and a new game for you to explore. FieryMUD in Mudlet defaults Welcome to the world of Ethilien …...
by Vadim Peretokin | Dec 7, 2019 | Release
Added a new option for customising the mapper’s “you are here” location marker, added notepad autosave, re-added stopwatches overhaul and fixed a possible crash when copying text in this update! MSP (Mud Sound Protocol) Thanks to Tamarindo from...