Mudlet 3.1

Like clockwork, a new Mudlet release is here with a ton of improvements across the board. Enhancement to multiplaying A feature that’ll come in quite handy where MUDs allow you to play multiple characters at once – you can now have one profile talk to...

Mudlet 3.0.1

A quick bugfix release to 3.0.0 – if you haven’t upgraded before, now’s the time! Search visible by default Search area is now visible by default again, similar to how it was in 2.1. The redundant ‘Search’ button was removed to save space...

Mudlet 3.0 final is here!

So long 2.1, 3.0 delta! Mudlet 3.0 is the culmination of 4 years of hard work and replaces Mudlet 2.1 as the latest version of Mudlet: it’s the recommended upgrade if you’re on 2.1 or any of the 3.0 previews (3.0.0-delta, 3.0.0-epsilon). This release adds...

Mudlet 3.0 API changelog

There have been over 100 improvements to the Mudlet’s API in the 3.0 release. Check out te list below: added: addCustomLine() to programatically draw a custom line in the mapper added: getAllRoomEntrances() which returns rooms that have exits to the given room...

Mudlet 3.0.0 kappa! (preview #7)

The last 3.0 preview is available now! This preview focused extensively on fixes, covering off a lot of the issues that were present in epsilon and iota – if you’ve been using 3.0.0-delta preview for a long while, this is the preview you want to have a...

Mudlet 3.0.0 iota! (preview #6)

Hey everyone! Another 3.0 preview is available today. We’ve made a few minor improvements to the client, but most importantly, this release fixes a crashing bug introduced with epsilon. Fixed profile creation Creating a profile on Mudlet 3.0.0-epsilon would...