3.16 – Ferienausgabe

Happy Holidays! This update adds an advanced text analyser, color map support for Starmourn’s map download, and various quality of life improvements. Neue Textanalyse SlySven has worked hard and added a new text analyser to Mudlet! Once enabled in the options,...

3.15 – Portugiesische Ausgabe

Scripting improvements and Portuguese language in this mid-autumn release! Verbesserung der Skripterstellung Thanks to JorMox, many API functions have been improved: see the changelog for details. Weniger geschwätzige Timer im Debugfenster Have a timer that needs to...

Mudlet 3.12 – autocompletion in editor

Code faster with the autocomplete feature. Annoying bugs & crashes fixed. New feature – automatic word completion In our ongoing efforts to make coding even more pleasant in Mudlet’s new editor since version 3.3 one year ago, we are proud to present...