Educational Screencasts

Watch videos covering basic Mudlet topics such as creating aliases, triggers, timers and buttons.  Then move on to more advanced topics like the event system or improving the quality of your scripts.

Introduction to Mudlet
The Mudlet interface, how to make basic aliases, triggers, keybindings, timers and buttons.

How to use wildcards, basic target and attack aliases.

More Aliases
Creating an alias by Iron Realms Entertainment.

Describing several pattern types, how to highlight words.

Migrating from Nexus to Mudlet
How to do common Nexus tasks in Mudlet.

Capturing Game Text
How to capture data from a variable size in-game list.

Events System
How to setup event handlers, raising events, sample GMCP ones.

Improving Script Quality
How to make better, more efficient scripts.

Screenshots from our Community

Get inspired and create your own user interface using Mudlet.  Arrange gauges, buttons, floating windows and more in a way that suits your play style.