3.15 – Portuguese edition

Scripting improvements and Portuguese language in this mid-autumn release! Scripting improvements Thanks to JorMox, many API functions have been improved: see the changelog for details. Less spammy timers in Debug view Have a timer that needs to fire often and ends up...

Mudlet in Hacktoberfest!

Hacktoberfest is an awesome event for the duration of October – be the first of 50,000 to submit 5 pull requests to an open-source project on Github, and earn a t-shirt! We at Mudlet have labelled some easy pickings with the Hacktoberfest label – feel free...

Mudlet 3.13 – internationalisation improvements & more

Fix macOS crash, improved functionality like speedwalk(), getRoomHashByID() and for internationalisation. What is Mudlet? It’s a game client that you can play multiplayer, pure-text RPGs with – called MUDs, precursors to today’s MMORPGs. There are...