Play immersive, multiplayer, pure-text games on Mudlet.
What is Mudlet?
Mudlet is a platform for gaming and enhancing game-play primarily with MUDs.
Mudlet provides a toolkit and supports a wide variety of protocols for players and creators to tailor an immersive game-playing experience. MUD creators can use Mudlet to add visual flair or build features into their text games. MUD players can utilize the Mudlet toolkit to script and automate parts of their gameplay or add their own visual customization for game data.
Outside the realm of MUD games, Mudlet has even been used to provide automation and features in 3D games which support in-game chat and a Telnet or similar server-console protocols.
What are MUDs?
A MUD (/ˈmʌd/; originally Multi-User Dungeon, with later variants Multi-User Dimension and Multi-User Domain),[1][2] is a multiplayer real-time virtual world, usually text-based. MUDs combine elements of role-playing games, hack and slash, player versus player, interactive fiction, and online chat. Players can read or view descriptions of rooms, objects, other players, non-player characters, and actions performed in the virtual world. Players typically interact with each other and the world by typing commands that resemble a natural language. – Wikipedia
It’s the type of game you’ll fall in love with for its ability to tell a story, have epic combat raids, devious politics, or just have a grand time with your new friends.
Key Features
- Fully Customizable User Interface
- Multiple Simultaneous Games
- Comprehensive Mapping System
- Powerful Lua Scripting and API
- In-Application Script Editor
- Import / Export Profile Data
- Various MUD Protocol Support
- Secure Connection Support
- In-App IRC Client & Lua API
- Supports Discord Rich-Presence
- Accessible for visually impaired players
A powerful, 2D and 3D mapper with built-in pathfinding.
Mudlet News
Welcome Mudlet’s new testing team!
As part of our efforts to continuously improve Mudlet and grow the text gaming genre we have also been working on our processes. Establishing a code freeze two weeks prior to release to give more time to catch issues, setting up automated and categorized changelogs...
Trial – pay out to popular PRs
There's been quite a few improvements to Mudlet from outside the core Mudlet dev team lately that were really nice - think package exporter rework, smooth map scrolling, and so on. Thanks to our patrons, we now have a bit of money and so we had an idea: why not use...
Mudlet now using Danger for PR checks
I am pleased to say this morning (Eastern United States time) I merged an infrastructure change to our development branch which will use Danger to run a suite of checks we control against every PR opened for development. This will make it easier for the core Mudlet...
Hop in

Mudlet’s Documentation is available via the Mudlet Wiki. Translations and enhancements are welcome!
Join Community Forum or Discord server for sharing, developing, and getting support.
Mudlet source code, issues and feature requests available on Github. Translations and enhancements are welcome!