by Vadim Peretokin | 10 月 13, 2019 | Release (ZH)
This update now stores characters’ passwords securely, improves selection (but more work to do there), adds ANSI colours to cecho and friends, and fixes the font spacing in the error console. Selection is not yet fixed, but better Selection in Mudlet has...
by Vadim Peretokin | 9 月 14, 2019 | Informational (ZH)
It’s hard to believe, but Mudlet 4 is here! We’ve put in a lot of work to make Mudlet fit for use around the world, and are happy with the adoption that’s picking up. Still, we’re not resting on our laurels, so here’s our roadmap for...
by Vadim Peretokin | 9 月 8, 2019 | Release (ZH)
This is a quality release bringing improvements to Mudlet editor, Geyser, while adding MSSP, HTTP POST/PUT/DELETE, and more. Enjoy :) Mudlet editor improvements dicene pulled his sleeves up and added a fair bit of great improvements to the code editor! Alt+E will now...
by Vadim Peretokin | 8 月 4, 2019 | Release (ZH)
两年零四个月的技术讨论, 将近2,000次的代码提交 – Mudlet 4.0 终于来了! 我们实现了我们的 既定目标 让Mudlet支持国际化,支持更多语言, 从西班牙语到中文, 你可以用Mudlet畅玩各国语言的Mud游戏 :) 当然还有一些小的改进需要持续完成,例如翻译启动画面文本,但我们将始终持续的翻译并完善Mudlet. Mudlet 众筹 我们发起了一个众筹项目在 a Patreon!...